$55/ Month
8 – 10 Years
*Placement Tryouts will be held
Legacy 1
- Thursdays from 5:00 to 5:45pm in the Blue Studio
Legacy 2
- On Hold for now... Contact Us if you are interested in this class
Tights, leotard, shorts are ok over leotard/tights. Form fitting tee/tank with leggings ok too. Hair pulled back please!
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit —fruit that will last.” .” ~ John 15:16
In ancient and modern times, people have used “fruit” to mean results, products, outcomes, accomplishments and achievements. An employee must be productive to be worthy of his wage. He must work hard, work fast and work smart to get jobs done and done right. In Scripture, “fruit” has similar meanings.
In both studio life, and life outside of dance, our goal this year to help students bear much fruit, in essence, GROW. We are 100 % committed to your student’s growth as a dancer. More importantly, we want them to thrive emotionally and spiritually. We must be oriented toward eternal goals and work with all our hearts to bring them to fruition.

$55 / Month
8 – 10 Years
*Placement Tryouts will be held
Legacy 1
- Thursdays from 5:00 to 5:45pm in the Blue Studio
Legacy 2
- On Hold for now... Contact Us if you are interested in this class
Tights, leotard, shorts are ok over leotard/tights. Form fitting tee/tank with leggings ok too. Hair pulled back please!